Candidate Profile: Kathy Loehr | The Monroe Sun

Candidate Profile: Kathy Loehr

Kathy Loehr

Kathie Loehr

Party: Democrat

Running for: Town Council

Education: BSN from Western Connecticut State University

Work experience: 42 years with the Department of Veteran Affairs working in Mental Health and Addictions. 23 years as Inpatient MH Nurse Manager. In addition to NM duties, was the Co-Chair of the VA New England Nurse Manager Conference for many years.

Accepted assignments in Los Angeles, Battle Creek, MI, and was deployed as part of VA’s Disaster Emergency Management Team to supervise a field hospital at Kelly AFB during Hurricane Ike in San Antonio Texas. Was a recipient of the Nightingale Award of Excellence for exemplary nursing practice.

Political experience: None

Community experience: Volunteered at the Stepney Elementary library and substituting for the school nurse. Was an assistant scout leader with a GS troop 255 that ran from Daisy scouts through high school senior year with many accomplished scouts that still reside in Monroe.

An active member of the Save Our Stepney Task force, currently serving as Vice President and Treasurer. Chaired the annual tree lighting on the Stepney Green for the past 10 years. Most recently participated in Bicentennial Days this past June sponsored by SOS. Also is the treasurer of the Stepney Burial Ground Association.

Family: Married to husband Greg, a 50-plus-year member of the Stepney Volunteer Fire Department and resides in Stepney with her adorable bichon, Watson. Daughter Caitlin and her husband Kyle Roller also reside in Monroe.

What makes you a great candidate for Town Council?

I feel my work has given me a great capacity to listen to people. I have been struck in speaking with townspeople on how they feel they have been ignored or faced a lack of transparency coming from Town Hall.

I am seeking a voice in the town government to focus on quality of life issues that have not seen much of a priority. These include maintenance issues in public buildings and parks, traffic and road quality and land use (specifically blasting).

I am aware that as a Town Council rep there is little ability to impact land use options. However I think it is imperative that all sides be considered and heard in any discussions. Monroe sealed its development potential decades ago when it decided against connecting with  sewage treatment. I continue to see developers pushing the envelope regarding zoning changes that benefit the developer not the townspeople.

It is unconscionable that the an illegal rock crushing operation was allowed to damage wetlands and persist for literally years under the past two administrations. We need stronger surveillance of contractors who are  paid with our tax dollars.

Pepper Street is a prime example of lack of oversight. Another issue that is concerning is development without a traffic plan. Route 25 is a nightmare at certain times of day. The building of 197 apartments with allegedly no impact on traffic is preposterous. I am also concerned about the lack of plan for restoring Great Hollow Lake.

In a nutshell, we need a better plan for our infrastructure that meets the needs of our townspeople while embracing fiscal responsibility.

On the upside, I recognize the value that our excellent school system brings to our town and the fact that it is ultimately the people who are our greatest asset. I believe it’s time to bring a change to the status quo. I humbly ask for your vote this Nov. 7th.

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