BSA Troop 203 honors two brothers with Eagle rankings

Christopher and William Maslar, who are twins, have been in scouting together since joining the Cub Scouts. At right, First Selectman Terry Rooney congratulates the brothers on earning their Eagle rankings.

MONROE, CT — Twin brothers Christopher and William Maslar, who traveled the scouting trail together since joining the Cub Scouts, celebrated earning their Eagle Scout rankings together at Webb Mountain Discovery Zone on June 2.

The Eagle is the highest ranking in scouting. Since its inception in 1911, only four percent of scouts earned the prestigious ranking.

Members of Scout Troop 203, friends and family attended the ceremony, along with First Selectman Terry Rooney, State Rep. Tony Scott, R-Monroe, and Connecticut Masonic Scouter Michael Abrahamson, who presented them with congratulatory letters.

The brothers also received letters of congratulations from Gov. Ned Lamont and U.S. Sen. Christopher Murphy.

Christopher and William Maslar pose for a photo with State Rep. Tony Scott, R-Monroe.

Christopher and William received their patches and pins from their Scoutmaster John Quinlavin. Then the scouts honored their parents, Danielle and Scott Maslar, with pins, and honored several individuals with mentor pins, including their brother Andrew, who is also an Eagle Scout.

Christopher Maslar’s Eagle Project was to landscape an area of St. Jude Church, which had been torn up by trucks and mowing equipment and suffered general erosion over the years.

He researched and installed erosion resistant grass, planted juniper and laid mulch to help keep the existing trees healthy.

William Maslar’s Eagle Project consisted of the restoration of a trail behind Masuk High School used by both students and members of the community. He installed trail markers and a small bridge, in addition to mulching areas of the trail and clearing out fallen trees.

Both Christopher and William were recognized as a credit to their community, troop and nation.

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  1. Congratulations William & Christopher on joining your cousins as Eagle Scouts ! Job well done !

  2. It was an honor and pleasure to award the Rank of Eagle Scout to these two young men. They worked hard to accomplish all that is required.

    Troop 203 is an active troop and has awarded greater than one Eagle rank per year.

    Troop 203 Monroe-Trumbull is always ready to add new members and welcomes questions about joining our Troop. Simply email us at [email protected] to chat with us.

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