Beth Cliff, ‘we need her voice’ in Hartford | The Monroe Sun

Beth Cliff, ‘we need her voice’ in Hartford

To the Editor,

Beth has an exceptional educational and professional background which includes a Princeton degree, an MBA from UVA and extensive management experience in the corporate setting.

This in combination with her lifelong commitment to volunteer work in numerous community organizations including the Unitarian Universalist Congregation, the library, the Garden Club, and Planned Parenthood uniquely qualify her to represent our community in Hartford.

She has been and will continue to be an outspoken champion of quality public education, reproductive rights, gun safety laws, and care for seniors. She will fight to reduce costs of housing, utilities, childcare and healthcare.

She will promote responsible approaches to climate issues. Preservation of our democracy and our freedoms and the rule of law are a top priority for Beth. It is no wonder that she has been endorsed by the Democratic, Working Family and Independent Parties.

We need her voice.

Our future depends on active engaged representation by people like Beth.

Vote for Beth Cliff and Row A on November 5.

Patricia M. Camuto, MD

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