MONROE, CT — Monroe’s two-week rolling case rate for COVID-19 has gone down slightly once again, and is now averaging just over five new cases per day, First Selectman Ken Kellogg told residents in his weekly pandemic update.
“Our two-week case rate is 27.1 cases per 100,000 population,” he said Friday. “As of yesterday’s report, Monroe has had 1,362 cases and 15 deaths, since the start of the pandemic.”
The town will host a Moderna vaccination clinic on Wednesday, April 28, at St. Jude School. Several appointments are still available through VAMS.
“I will continue to provide written updates weekly on our website and the Town’s Facebook page,” Kellogg said. “Unless there are urgent updates, my next CodeRED pandemic message will be in two weeks.”
Connecticut continues to reopen
Businesses will benefit when the state relaxes restrictions on May 1, allowing the curfew for restaurants, entertainment and recreation venues, and theaters to be moved to midnight, according to Kellogg.
Establishments that do not serve food will be allowed to serve alcohol — outdoors only. Food will still be required when serving alcohol indoors. The eight-person per table limit will be lifted, but for outdoors only. The limit will remain in effect for indoor dining, Kellogg said.
Starting May 19, 2021, all remaining business restrictions will end.
“Masks will continue to be required indoors,” Kellogg said.
He said the Connecticut Department of Public Health will issue recommendations for indoor and large outdoor events, such as concerts.