MONROE, CT — Voters unanimously approved bonding authorizations to fund over $2 million worth of capital projects within the approved 2024-2025 town budget during a Town Meeting Tuesday evening. The money will be borrowed for education infrastructure and emergency services equipment.
Residents gathered inside the Council Chambers of Monroe Town Hall voted by paper ballots after reporting to a check-in table manned by registrars of voters in the lobby.
Town Council Chairman Jonathan Formichella served as moderator, Councilman Vin Duva as parliamentarian and Town Clerk Vida Stone read the Notice of Town Meeting and the two bonding authorizations aloud.
A motion to authorize the bonding of an amount not to exceed $1,830,000 for a roof replacement at Jockey Hollow Middle School and carpet replacements at Jockey Hollow and Masuk High School was approved by a vote of 59-0.
The costs include, but are not be limited to, design, planning, disposal, acquisition and construction, materials, furniture, fixtures and equipment, architectural and engineering fees, inspection and installation.
In response to a resident’s question, Superintendent of Schools Joseph Kobza broke down the costs, explaining how most of the request was for the $1.6 million roof replacement for JHMS, which was built in 1998.
The second bonding authorization, for an amount not to exceed $190,000, for the purchase of safety equipment including, but not limited to, portable radios for the Monroe Volunteer Emergency Medical Service and a vehicle replacement for the Stevenson Volunteer Fire Department was approved by a vote of 57-0.
Registrars Debra Dutches, R, and Katherine Briggs, D, performed the hand counts.
First Selectman Terry Rooney recommended the adoption of the bonding authorizations to the Board of Finance, Town Council and town residents. During a meeting on December 9, 2024, the Town Council unanimously agreed to send it to a Town Meeting vote after a review by its Legislative and Administrative Committee.
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